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Be Whole

moving out and packing


moving out boxes

moving out and packing

moving out

It’s been a good few months since moving into my apartment. Can we just celebrate what a big step that is? Thank you. Being responsible for your own finances, food, and always knowing where the toilet roll is, is quite liberating.

I’d moved a lot as a child so adapting to new environments is natural to me. What scared me about moving away from home was worrying whether I might starve, not knowing enough about household maintenance, and managing the bills that every colleague I’ve ever known has complained about.

I’m sitting at a different spot in my lounge on any given day because no one claims it. I don’t have a TV – because who still watches TV when you can live stream, oh man, this is a fond feeling. Four things that I’ve picked up, and that are quite important to note if you’re a young woman moving out for the first time is:

Grocery shopping is a mission

If you think cooking supper will be a mission, wait until you have to shop for all the ingredients first. It’s nothing like the times you and friends went on self-catering weekends-away. Deciding what to eat, buy and prepare for yourself can be tiring. I usually cook for two nights to avoid slipping into bad eating habits; otherwise, I’d be eating a pack of lightly salted Jumpin Jack popcorn for supper as a staple.

Maintenance when you’ve never changed a lightbulb

The last thing you want on a late, cold winter’s evening is to be casually strolling out of the bath and into your room to switch on lights that have fused – that was my cue to get straight into bed but what a schlep to find yourself without a light on a winter’s night. Stock up on light bulbs! And in Cape Town, you’ll also need candles. Thanks a lot, Eskom. You can’t stay ahead of everything but get advice from the people you know have been successfully managing a household for years if you have a concern. Alternatively, If you enjoy DIY experiments, search for money-saving household hacks on Youtube.

The Tupperware craze finally makes sense

Only once you begin shopping for your own Tupperware will you understand how essential these containers are to living. Good Tupperware is really expensive. It’s a bit ridiculous. It’s something you never want to spend your money on but actually, need. I make a mental note of everyone who uses my Tupperware now to ensure that whoever returns it.

It’s harder to keep in touch after moving

Living with family or friends offers the obvious perk or being able to see and talk to each other every day. Even though my relationship with my family is pretty great since moving out, it’s a lot harder with our schedules, to keep in touch.

Would you like to see photos of my apartment or share something you learned about moving away from home? Leave me a comment in the space below or connect with me on Instagram to view photos that may follow.

Robyn is the plant mom behind all these juicy posts, written from a sofa in her Cape Town apartment. Through her passion for beauty and wellness, she helps women feel confident in their skin and has created a resource for holistic beauty in South Africa.


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