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Be Whole

There’s really no excuse to skip training if you have your own home-gym. When its raining or you don’t feel like leaving home, here is some exercise equipment to help improve your fitness and overall health:

Skipping Rope

Boxers use skipping ropes as a cardio workout. While skipping, you burn a lot of calories, improve your cardiovascular system, and build muscle. Most sport shops stock skipping ropes. They’re relatively cheap and you can take them anywhere.

Workout intensity depends on the weight of the rope, the heavier you go, the more intense your workouts will be. But with basic models, you can achieve the same result if you skip with increased speed and effort.

Kettle bells

Kettle bells are similar to dumbbells but have a unique shape that makes training with them quite convenient. You can do a variety of different exercises with them; they come in different shapes and are also available in adjustable form.

gym equipment

Stability Ball

This ball is perfect for working your abs, upper body and lower body workouts. They’re also useful for rehabilitation exercises like stretching or sitting on which can help to improve your posture. You can do push ups, bridges and back extensions on a stability ball.

Chin Up Bars

Chin up bars are widely available at sport and fitness shops. They are affordable, easy to set up, and work by mounting them to a door frame.

Chin up bar exercises mostly include, pull ups, chin ups and hanging leg raises with the purpose of strengthening your back or working your abdominal muscles.

Medicine Balls

Simple yet effective exercise equipment. They’re mainly used for upper body exercises. They come in different sizes and weight. You can easily find one that will fit your fitness level.

gym equipment


Dumbbells are a must-have as home gym equipment. They’re quite useful for training all the major muscle groups, building up strength and isolating muscles.They also help to improve coordination and balance as dumbbell exercises needs more control

Ab Wheel

Constructed with a bar and wheel in the middle, this piece of exercise equipment is useful for exercising your core or abdominal muscles, but can also sculpt your back, arms, chest and shoulders.


Relatively new to the fitness industry, this set of equipment can be used to perform a variety of body weight exercises. The TRX system combines both stability and strength exercises especially for core training.

Do you workout at home? I’d love to hear from you. Drop me a comment in the space below or connection with me on Instagram, facebook, and Twitter.


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