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Be Whole

This easy-to-make flaxseed bread recipe has changed my life. I can’t remember the last time I ate bread that I didn’t make myself. Why? The recipe only requires a few ingredients; it has a really short preparation time, it’s delicious, filling, and it’s gluten-free. What a win-win.

If you’re a conscious eater, monitoring what your intake, you’re also likely a person who enjoys knowing exactly what all the ingredients in your meals are – the less, the better. I love cooking my own meals. I’m not a Siba Mtongana but I know my way around the kitchen. I enjoy preparing the ingredients, estimating  the proportion of spices, and finally, savouring my meals. What I don’t like is the 45-minute wait for brown rice to cook, or having to eyeball a stewing pot for 30 minutes in the evening. That’s why I love this bread recipe so much. It’s not time-consuming and so good for you.

A cousin was kind enough to share the recipe with me. She is Banting and found the original recipe on Daleen’s Banting kitchen. I’ve tweaked the original recipe (which makes one bread roll) to produce a larger portion that requires fewer ingredients. The recipe below makes four slices of bread.

This delicious flaxseed bread is high in protein and gluten free!

This delicious flaxseed bread is high in protein and gluten free!

What you will need:
  • 2 Large eggs
  • 1 tbsp. Baking powder
  • ½ tsp. Coconut oil (but you can use an oil of your preference)
  • 7 tbsps. Flaxseed powder
  • 25 ml Water
  • One soup bowl
  • One mixing bowl
  • Fork for mixing
  • microwave

Preparation time: 5 Minutes

Flaxseed powder can be found at any health store. I buy my 600 g tin of powder from Dada’s Spice at Ottery Centre for R69.

Step 1:

Pour the eggs, baking powder, flaxseed powder and water into your mixing bowl. Using a fork to avoid any lumps, mix the ingredients together.

Step 2:

Line your soup bowl with coconut oil. This will prevent the bread from sticking to the bottom of the bowl during the baking process.

Step 3:

Now that you have mixed your ingredients into a sticky dough, use your hands to mould the bread into a shape of your preference. Some may prefer to roll the dough into a ball to make a bread roll while I prefer to press the dough into a square shape so that I can cut it into slices.

Side note: The consistency of the dough depends on how much water you use. You can use 5 – 10 ml more water if prefer a softer, fluffy bread. You will also have to add 30 seconds to microwave time for each additional 5 ml of water.

Step 4:

Place the dough into your soup bowl and then into the microwave on high heat for two minutes. Depending on the heat of your microwave, lower or increase the microwave time by 30 seconds. Check to see if your dough has risen well and that the texture has changed. If you’re happy, place the bread on a bread board to cool.

Slice as desired and enjoy!

Would you like to share more easy-to-make healthy recipes with you? Leave me a comment in the section below if you’d like me to continue posting. Bonne appetite!


Robyn is the plant mom behind all these juicy posts, written from a sofa in her Cape Town apartment. Through her passion for beauty and wellness, she helps women feel confident in their skin and has created a resource for holistic beauty in South Africa.


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